Our intrusion detection systems offer maximum protection for your premises. We provide customized burglar alarm systems tailored to your specific needs, along with supervisory alarms that monitor temperature, water level, and more. Our aim is to ensure the safety of your property against potential threats.
Burglar alarm systems
Chubb intruder alarms are designed to the specific needs of your premises. We will assess and determine the appropriate control equipment, detection devices and signaling to meet your requirements.
Supervisory Alarms
Alarm solutions that monitor signals such as temperature, water level, refrigeration monitoring, air quality and more.
Personal Protection Alarms
Important safety alarm solutions such as holdup and duress alarms, medical alert, man down, presence detection, elevator monitoring and more.
Video Verification
When our operators receive an alarm signal, they can immediately access recorded and live video to evaluate what is really happening at the affected location. With a verified alarm, authorities will typically assign a higher dispatch response priority.