We deliver our services through a global network of over 12,000 highly specialised and fully compliant staff, 200+ branches and more than 20+ monitoring centres worldwide, providing a customised local service supported by expert teams, 24/7, 365 days a year.

MySafeZone – Use Case Scenarios

Scenario 1
I’m walking to my car, which is parked in a multi-storey car park. I think someone is following me but I’m not 100% sure. What do I do?

Use the Emergency button and explain your situation to the ARC, who can stay on the line and talk to you, escalating to the Police if necessary and requesting they attend your location.

Scenario 2
I was completing some work at a height on a ladder. I’ve fallen down and my leg is now trapped under the ladder. What do I do?

If you are able to speak, dial 999 and request the Ambulance service. Otherwise, press the Emergency button in SafeZone.

Scenario 3
I need to work in a specific room on a customer site. It’s a confined space. How would I use the SafeZone app for this?

Use the Check In Timer button. Select the length of time you will be in the room for. If you think you are going to exceed the time you selected, reset the time accordingly. Once you’ve completed your work, stop the timer to ensure an alert does not go to the ARC.

Scenario 4
How can I test to see if my SafeZone app is connected and would raise an alert if I pressed the Emergency button?

Use the Test button to raise a test alert. This will not be sent to the ARC, but if the alert is successful, you will receive confirmation of this. If it is not, please check mobile data is switched on or you are connected to WiFi.

Scenario 5
I’m about to carry out work in a plant room and I want to use the Check In Timer, however, I don’t know if there is any signal in the plant room for the Check In Timer to work. What do I do?

The Check In Timer can still be utilised in this situation. Just set your time as per normal and carry out your work. You can also add a note under the timer as to the exact location you are (e.g floor level, room number etc) working so if you do not turn off the timer, we will know exactly where to find you if timer runs out

Scenario 6
I’m trying to find the contact information for independent professional bodies. I want to speak to someone externally about my wellbeing. Can the SafeZone app assist with this?

Yes. Use the Wellbeing Assistance button to see the support and resources available for you to use

Scenario 7
What should I do if I fall from a great height and need to use the app, but I’m unable to move due to my injuries preventing me from reaching my phone?

The SafeZone app has an ‘Automated Fall Detection’ feature, where an automatic alert is sent to the ARC if someone falls from height. For this feature to work, you need to select the ‘Incapacity Detection’ toggle in the Check In Timer, have the timer running and have the phone on your person.

Scenario 8
I’ve just walked through an area where there is dangerous wiring. Where can I report this?

You can report this using the ‘Incident Reporting’ button on the app

Scenario 9
Someone I’m working with has been injured. I’ve called an Ambulance, but want first aid advice. What should I do?

Use the First Aid button, which will direct you to first aid information online

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