IPC Health – Connected Services Case Study
By Chubb | 19th December 2023
SafeZone Emergency Management Solution
Project Overview
IPC Health is one of the largest providers of community health services in Victoria, operating from six sites in Melbourne’s West and employing over 500 staff. IPC Health provides a wide range of services to the community including medical services; dental services; allied health; counselling and wellbeing and aged care services.
When IPC Health’s Facilities team identified Chubb as their preferred supplier for security services, they also took the opportunity to explore the SafeZone emergency management solution. After learning of SafeZone’s broad, multi stakeholder capabilities, IPC Health embarked on a much wider reform of security, safety, preparedness, and resilience with SafeZone as the foundation.
Procedures and strengthened resilience IPC Health has rationalised its emergency procedures, with SafeZone and Chubb providing the assurance of a rapid and appropriate response to a duress situation, including violence and aggression. For example, if a member of staff is in a situation where they are working alone with a client and feel under threat, their alert is now dispatched directly to Chubb 24×7 Security Monitoring Centre rather than triggering a general alarm on a localised, siloed system. As a result, colleagues who are not qualified to intervene or manage potential conflicts are not required to investigate a Code Black situation; this makes it easier for qualified responders to isolate incidents and deal with them safely.
IPC Health’s resilience to major incidents has been strengthened too: if there is an emergency at a particular site, such as an extreme weather event or localised disruption, SafeZone’s Emergency Mass Notification alerts make it easy for all affected staff to be notified. This helps to keep individuals away from risk situations and makes it easier to coordinate effective responses.
Customer Benefits
- Immediate 24/7 response and emergency assistance for staff under threat, at the touch of a button, including for those working in the community
- Locations of staff requesting help on site are pinpointed to 3 meter accuracy by room and floor, using indoor positioning technology across all facilities
- Enhanced 24/7 mental wellbeing support for staff, allowing earlier intervention and reducing workplace stress
- Mass notifications and targeted notifications, increasing resilience and reducing the impact potential of major incidents